Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Darwinian Quotient in Central Park

The daily news and other media in NYC have publicized the pedestrians injured by cyclists in Central Park. One doesn't need to spend much time in Central Park to see multiple flagrant violations of park rules, disregard for common sense and safety by ALL constituents of the park. Sometimes, the combination of unsafe things being done by a person or group of people at the same time is noteworthy enough that they deserve a nomination for a Darwin Award - close to selecting themselves out of the gene pool. Documenting these behaviors, scoring them on a point scale for each issue and dividing the total number of points over the sampling time/miles in the park will provide a "Darwinian Quotient" for central park for the ride. By sampling at different times of the day and over weeks and building readership of the blog, the facts as they occur will be evident and the city as well as its residents will have the opportunity to reduce the DQ over time.

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