Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Darwin would be proud - August 22nd

A short one hour test ..... 
Today was a pretty standard day in the park in terms of what i think one would see. One challenge is that i definitely miss some pictures (have to stay safe myself), some don't come out right so i can't score them and obviously its only things that occur near where i am at a given time (ie not the other side of the park). So there is some built in sampling/error to the measurement but it results in under-reporting the reality. Over time, the scoring system will be more mature and the variables such as time of day/week/month, weather, sample size/time will be the determining factors as to the DQ.

Total DQ numerator = 11.5+3+4+4+4+4+28+4+7+12
DQ per minute = 1.3583333
DQ per mile =  4.527777

Mother and Child, wrong direction in the runners lane, mom without a helmet. Say a prayer for the child.  2 points each for wrong direction  (but blame is attributed to parent), 2 points each for wrong lane, 2 bonus points  =10* 1.15 danger factor= 11.5   (but average per person is 5.75)

Good thing there were no cyclists in the bike lane only some runners for the cabs to hit...   (3 points for the cab driver)
Let's go the wrong direction, and why bother with a helmet = 2+1 =3*1.333 danger factor for location = 4 points

Our parents never taught us how to share. I can't assign points and reward selfishness.

I'm in a rush to get to the hospital after i get hit by a cyclist for standing in the crosswalk when it says dont walk and then go complain about it to the cops and media. 2 pedestrians, 2 points each = 4 points
Us to - we need to get hit - please! - 2 pedestrians again, 2 points each = 4 points

Pedestrians - walk whenever, wherever you feel like it.  Cyclists - you should stop at GREEN lights too = 8 pedestrians, against traffic crossing, flagrant violation - 2 points each to start, 1.5 bonus points each for the flagrancy. 16+12=28

Obviously she's like to walk in the middle of the street all the time. Hope she doesn't try that in midtown.  Ok - she might be following the lead of the people crossing at green at the crosswalk in the distance. But it does take talent. 4 points.

I think both of these people are confused as to which lane is for bikes and which is for runners. Or they don't care.

Just the wrong direction, in the runners lane (wrong side of Central park) and no helmet = 2+2+1=5 + 2 bonus points = 7 (no danger factor, that side of park closed to traffic)

Today's points winner -  wrong direction, no helmet, cell phone in right hand, looking behind him, all of this in the part of the park with cars = (2+1+2+2, +4 bonus points) * 1.333 location danger factor, = Total score of 12 

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